happy valentine’s!

Here’s a bunch of stuff i’m thinking about now:

Valentine’s Day is making me think of Shakespeare’s Sonnet 116. I know it’s overly and unrealistically romantic and cliche, but it still makes my heart melt every time. Go check it out if you don’t know it. It’s so poignant. 

Yep, i’m a lonely heart this year. BUT! I had much more than compensation in the fantastic shopping i indulged in today! That being said, i think i’m beginning to have a bit of a problem. I’m not sure, but i may be seriously addicted to shopping. I need to get my fix like every other day. And the particularly dreadful part is that there are only so many places one can shop in good old Singapore. Looks like i’ll have to graduate to shopping overseas now. By the way, i refuse to consider myself a shopaholic. Not only because i don’t like the word but also, it reminds me of the silly airheads like the girls in The Bergdorf Blondes. (Yes, i’ll admit i did read the book. But only because the cover was pretty. The inside of it, however, wasn’t nearly as good.) I much prefer the term ‘temporary compulsive shopper’. Temporary. I fully intend to outgrow this habit. It’s just a matter of time. But for now, as an outcome of this rather unhealthy habit, i have a warehouse of new clothes at home now that i mightn’t even wear! You’d think that would deter me. Regrettably, it seems i have developed ridiculous resolve to sustain this most unfortunate addiction. I find myself determined to wear all the new clothes i’ve bought. I marvel at myself being so intent upon creating opportunities and excuses to wear them. The rough estimates of outstanding clothes i have yet to find time to throw on myself are as follows: 9 tops, 2 pairs of pants, 3 pairs of shorts, 5 dresses, a sweater and goodness knows what else. I’d say i’m doing pretty well already. I’m fairly impressed that there isn’t a skirt in the list there! If only i could just stop now. Sadly, i am planning my next shopping escapade as i’m typing. It’s making me more excited. Good golly, i need help. 

In other news, both the folks are complaining that i’m fat. Bummer. So i’ve decided to take exercise. I even surprised myself. There’s usually nothing i love more than to slump into a lump and waste away, but maybe it’s the realisation that i would eventually become a bigger and more unsightly lump as time passes with my very indifferent inactivity. I now jump on my trampoline for about an hour a day some days and then swim at night some days. I’m also considering taking some classes in kickboxing, or ballroom dancing. The huge downside to all this exercise is that now i’m aching all the time. You can’t imagine what it feels like to get off the trampoline after one hour and walk on solid ground. I walk funny for a long time, with my knees giving way as and when they darn well please. It hurts like hell when i bend my knees and it scares the bejesus out of me, because i think of what’s going on inside my knee. Maybe the cartilage is spoiling. Or the fluid in between my joints is drying up. (I actually used that as an excuse not to take PE once. I insisted to Mark Ng that ‘Sir, i can’t do PE because my knee joints are dried up! There’s no more fluid in there!’. The silly thing is that he actually did let me skip PE. Maybe it’s karma.) Please note, if you couldn’t already tell  from my ignorant assumptions of biology, that i haven’t the slightest clue how the inside of a knee works. This is just how i imagine it works. 

I want a pet hedgehog! They are the most adorable little things EVER. You need to see them. I love how their bodies are so round and spiky but their legs are so skinny. 

Everyday nowadays i have a headache in the evening. It happens between 5 and 7, and it feels awful! I hate headaches. So. Much. Well, so does everyone else. But i’ve been having them everyday! And at the same time. Today’s episode is particularly frightening, since it’s now 1am, i’m watching The Best of Saturday Night Live, and my head still hurts. It didn’t go away today. Which explains why i’m not somewhere fun celebrating Valentine’s. Besides these occurrences being painful, they’re also rather alarming, aren’t they? Perhaps it’s because i haven’t been using my brain much lately. I really hope there isn’t anything wrong with my head. But it sure sounds like there is, right? How now brown cow? I have no idea! 

On to the next topic. My mother just ate up my last two Harrod’s Milk Chocolate Chunks Cookies. I’m extremely pissed. I can’t believe she ate them, especially since she’s the resident health freak in the building. Maybe she’s depressed or whatever. As far as i’m concerned, i think she ate them out of spite, just so i couldn’t have them. At first, she was only going to eat one, but since the last two were stuck together, she decided to have both of them. Ugh. I love those cookies. I know i said before that i live on the New Zealand cookies in my last post, but in fact, there are a few things that i survive on. Besides the cookies, i drink blood orange juice all the time now. For the record, i hate ordinary OJ, but i love blood orange juice. It’s much better. 

Since i’ve been so bored of late, i want to learn baking. But noone is willing to attend lessons with me. Same goes for kickboxing, and ballroom dancing. I don’t have a partner to dance with! What’s the harm in learning to bake? It’s all good. I could learn how to make macaroons! Glorious macaroons. Imagine the possibilities! Realistically though, i would have to work my way to be macaroon worthy. I’d first have to learn to crack a bloody egg before i can think of advancing to macaroon calibre. But i think i’m willing to learn, and with time i could totally kick ass in the egg-cracking department! 

I’m really ticked off that i can’t watch the third season of 30 Rock. It’s my favourite show on air now, and i’m so frustrated that i can’t find the third season!! Tina Fey is amazing. She’s so funny. So is Alec Baldwin, but Tina Fey does the writing and is therefore more amazing. And i can’t watch her. Bugger. Does that suck or what? 

I read The Kite Runner about two and a half times. It’s a remarkable book. No, i don’t think it’s overrated. It’s such a lovely, sad story, and i’m a sucker for those. I want to watch the movie! Currently, i’m reading Ben Elton’s Chart Throb. It’s a satire of American Idol and i think it’s hilarious. It exaggerates everything in the whole reality TV genre, and you begin to see how absurd and nonsensical it is. Nonetheless, American Idol remains my guilty pleasure – especially the auditions at the start of each run and Simon Cowell. They’re hysterical. 

I want to write my own book! I’ve always wanted to try it, but i don’t know if i have the perseverance to do so. I think it’d be such great fun. Except i have nothing for a plot. Fantastic.  

While fixing up a DIY box from IKEA, i sustained multiple paper cuts from cardboard. I suppose technically cardboard is a form of paper, but who knew you could get a paper cut from cardboard? I thought paper cut us only because it’s thin and the edges are somewhat sharp. And thin cardboard certainly is not. The only reason i’m not complaining more is that the box i fixed is delightful! I don’t actually know what i’m going to use it for, but i just have it because it’s pretty. Also, my fingers are plastered with foam band-aids of different colours. My hands look like pieces of art now. 

I had the most lip-smacking ice cream today. It was Baskin Robbins Cotton Candy. It makes me drool. It’s just divine. But beware of it if you don’t have a sweet tooth. 

Two of my favourite songs at the moment are both entitled Lost. One’s by Michael Buble and the other’s Coldplay’s. In truth, i only just realised this bit of trivia. I was slightly stunned by how slow i was, considering how the two songs have been on constant replay on my ipod. 

Well, i believe that’s pretty much all i’m thinking about now. All that and i’m really hungry. 

Till next time! 


  1. Eliza said,

    February 17, 2009 at 1:31 am

    i wanna go learn dancing!

  2. nureen said,

    February 17, 2009 at 8:30 am

    you’re not earning and ure shopping like crazy!!!

    and they have baskin robbins in singapore??

  3. mu said,

    February 22, 2009 at 7:53 am


    1. i read kite runner! love it. i want to be hassan’s friend. hahaha NOT nureen. although i guess nureen is nice also.

    2. write a book nic!

    3. stop shopping! ):< although i suppose you ARE doing your part for the economy

    4. jiayi and i wanna learn hiphop! you want? (:

  4. nureen said,

    February 26, 2009 at 6:01 am

    HAHA i know ure dying to be my friend. i mean, who wldnt.

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