the inaugural post (aka happy new year!)

i helped nicole start this blog. it’s prettty 🙂


Indeed, thank you sincerely eliza,  for starting my blog. Do, however, note that should this be the cause of future upsets in my academic career, i shall still most heartily, of course, thank you. But it IS a pretty blog, isn’t it? That’s the crapbag gang on top! (or part of us – there’s a few not in the photo, sorry!) I think we should get tattoos, you know. That’d be so cool. 

Oh yes, lifesapicNIC, get it? That’s me! For the benefit of the dense, (namely, ALESSAPANG), i have to explain my choice of name. Well, i suppose it mightn’t be that easy to figure out. Oh i can’t change it anymore anyway. And of course, it doesn’t hurt either that the name of the blog sounds rather philosophical. It might even give people the impression that i’m deep and i do nothing here but muse theoretically about life. I regret to inform you that what i write here will most certainly not be up to par if your expectations are such. I really don’t have a bloody clue what’s supposed to go into a blog. So pardon me if it’s substandard. I suppose i should be glad it’s January 1st 2009 today. That’s a starting point for a blog! So here goes nothing:

It is now 2009! Go figure. 


Many many happy returns to everybody and let’s all hope, that this year’s going to be a zillionmillionkatrillion times better than last year! (which really is hardly a mile out the ballpark, taking into account the little thing i encountered last year called the A levels) So really, things are looking up! All fine and dandy here. And while many around me have been telling me of their resolutions for this year, i shall have to report that, unlike them, i don’t have any. I am now among the mediocrity that is the resolution-less. (Well, not that i’ve ever truly been otherwise.) I hope to God i‘ll figure out something i want to get out of this year, preferably before the end of it. I’m sure i will. Gee, it’s rather strange referring to what’s been known as ‘next year’ for so long as ‘this year’ and what’s been known as ‘this year’ for so long as ‘last  year’. I’m slightly confused (as are you probably), but you get my drift i’m sure.

Today is also the EIGHTH day of christmas. Only four more days left of yuletide glee. Please please don’t let it run out. Pretty please! I’ve had so many Christmases and still the end of it leaves me utterly and hopelessly bereaved every time. I’m left to mourn amid the aftermath, although admittedly post-Christmas sales do provide a tiny little bit of consolation. Anyway, in an attempt to be grateful, i had the most splendid Christmas day this year, well i mean LAST year. See, i proved my point about referring to this and that. I bet you would’ve said that. (as an aside, i’ve always thought that the typing-something-out-and-then-striking-it-out-like-people-can’t- see-it-but-in-fact-can thing is funny but this really does illustrate my point nicely) Yes, i really should stick to what i’m trying to say here. Oh dear, i’m so much better at talking than doing this. In any case, i had most palatable turkey this year. It was the best one yet! Not to forget the ham, which was delectable too, of course. The turkey still takes the cake though. Well duh, i can have ham any time i want in a sandwich, can’t i? I had lots of presents too, all of which i’m very thankful for. See, i’m not such a horrible ingrate after all, now am i? But what i absolutely loved about this Christmas was the company, undoubtedly. It doesn’t get much better at all than my favourite people in the world besides Meryl Streep, Hugh Grant, George Clooney, Oprah, Wentworth Miller, Marc Jacobs, Fred Astaire, Ginger Rogers, etc (now i’m just pushing it, aren’t i?) and some dear others i’m still missing right now, gathered around scrumptious food and presents. To make a long story short: I LOVE CHRISTMAS. Surprise of the century.


even my dog loves christmas (:


the best christmas food ever: turkey, ham, beef wellington, and dom perignon

I actually youtubed how to upload photos on to your blog. Is that pathetic or is that pathetic?

Sorry friends, I need to stop ranting. And i need to go out now. My irritating friends are bugging me. I need to wrap this up. NOW! Even i’m getting annoyed with myself. This is what happens when i have to type what i’d usually say.  STOP IT NIC!! 

So i’ve finally gotten a blog. And about five years too late. Maybe six. It IS the new year now. Better late than never, i suppose. It’s so exciting but i don’t actually know if this is going to be sustainable, considering how much time i’ve already spent on this, how even now, i’m still yakking away, and how i’ve never ever been able to keep a diary. It’s worth a shot though. Maybe a diary sans the paper and pen might, in fact, work for me. 

Till next time! (if there is one, that is)

PS. I miss you V, come home to me already!! 


  1. V said,

    January 1, 2009 at 3:52 pm


  2. anthea said,

    January 2, 2009 at 8:19 am

    OK OK I READ IT ALL! And now here’s a comment! Let this be my christmas present to you YAY!

  3. nureen said,

    January 3, 2009 at 5:12 am

    very nice very nice!
    im proud of you! NOT.

  4. alessa said,

    January 6, 2009 at 2:30 pm


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